Adding SquareSpace to your Rollo Ship account offers many benefits including easily creating 4x6 shipping labels for your SquareSpace orders, being notified when new orders are available, processing all your orders from the Rollo Ship, and easily printing to your Rollo printer. SquareSpace will be automatically notified of the tracking number once you make a label in Rollo Ship.

On Rollo Ship iOS or Android App

1. Launch the Rollo App and Login

2. Press on the Menu Icon located at top left of the screen

3. Choose "Connections" and select "Selling Channels"

4. Press "ADD NEW" and choose SquareSpace 

5. Enter your SquareSpace account credentials

6. Your current and future SquareSpace orders will be available for shipping within a few moments in Rollo Ship.

On Rollo Ship Web

1. Login to Rollo Ship

2. Click on "Connection" on the top menu and choose "Selling Channels"

3. Scroll down and click on SquareSpace logo

4. Click on Connect

5. Enter your SquareSpace account credentials and proceed.

6. Your current and future SquareSpace orders will be available for shipping within a few moments in Rollo Ship.